Article 3 is a not-for-profit consultancy working at the nexus of 
human rights & strategic philanthropy.

Our aim is to amplify human rights philanthropy and connect the expertise of thought leaders with the momentum of change agents.

We counsel individual philanthropists, foundations, NGOs and nonprofits through a
human rights lens.

Seasoned Expertise

Article 3 is a not-for-profit human rights philanthropic consultancy focused on advancing universal human rights. We engage key stakeholders, raise awareness and amplify philanthropy. We specialize in human rights issues and bring a depth of expertise to strategic philanthropy to help strengthen the human rights ecosystem. Learn more about our expertise >>

Specialized Services

Our clients are individual philanthropists, foundations, nonprofits, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) seeking to affect change in the human rights space and to leverage their capacity effectively.  We offer specialized services including:  strategic & philanthropic advising, Theory of Change development, due diligence, research and field scans, and more. Read about our full range of services >>


Our blog is meant to raise awareness and spark dialogue about timely human rights issues and innovative philanthropy. In doing so, we hope to strengthen the connection between funders and change agents. We believe that through this connection, human rights philanthropy can truly be amplified. Connect with the blog >>